Results for 'Fabíola Batista Gomes'

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  1.  61
    Sintomas de estresse em educadores brasileiros.Ana Maria T. Benevides Pereira, Tatiana Justo, Fabíola Batista Gomes, Sarah Gisele Martins Silva & Daiane Cristina Volpato - 2003 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 17:63-72.
    Stress has been being pointed as the evil of the current world and can affect as much adults as children. The disorders associated with stress are varied, and people who suffer from it frequently present physical and psychological problems, influencing their behavior and social environment. The care..
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    Mediação da informação e ação comunicativa Habermasiana.Marli Batista Fidelis & Henriette Ferreira Gomes - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (1):91-111.
    Reflete sobre o potencial da mediação da informação como via de fortalecimento para o mundo social da vida ante ao processo colonizador do mundo dos sistemas, considerando as atuais demandas sociais em âmbito informacional. A Ciência da Informação é cada vez mais convidada a encontrar caminhos para refletir sobre seu objeto como motor do desenvolvimento cultural e fortalecimento do mundo social da vida, de maneira a reafirmar seu lugar enquanto ciência social. Desse modo, a mediação da informação, estando presente em (...)
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    Resenhas v. 4 n. 7.João Batista Libanio, Suzana dos Santos Gomes & Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2005 - Horizonte 4 (7):167-185.
    EUVÉ, François. Science, foi, sagesse . Faut-il parler de convergence? João Batista Libanio MUTSCHLER, Hans-Dieter. Physik und religion . Perspektiven und Grenzen eines Dialogs. João Batista Libanio RIEGER, Joerg. Remember the poor . The callenge to theology in the twenty-first century. João Batista Libanio RIBEIRO, Fernando. Os Incas . As plantas do poder e um tribunal espanhol. João Batista Libanio SOUZA, Alberto de Mello e (Org.). Dimensões da avaliação educacional . Suzana dos Santos Gomes BOFF, (...)
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  4. Igreja Positivista do Brasil: acervo bibliográfico.Iara Moussatché, Maria Isabel Gomes de Sant'Anna & Regina Célia Alves Batista (eds.) - 1994 - Rio de Janeiro: Museu da República.
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    A biblioteconomia brasileira na década de 1980: um olhar discursivo a partir dos artigos publicados na Revista de Biblioteconomia de Brasília.Gabrielle Francinne de S. C. Tanus, Gabriela Batista da Silva & Rita de Cássia Gomes de Oliveira - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (2):178-198.
    Os discursos da Biblioteconomia brasileira são objeto de estudo desta pesquisa, que se concentrou nos artigos publicados durante a década de 1980 na Revista de Biblioteconomia de Brasília. Essa revista, cujo primeiro número foi publicado em 1973, encerrou suas atividades em 2001 e teve como foco as áreas de Biblioteconomia, Ciência da Informação, Arquivologia e afins. Com a intenção de discutir sobre dois conceitos centrais da Biblioteconomia - o de biblioteca e o de bibliotecário - analisamos as produções que versavam (...)
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    Value Creation in Cross-Sector Collaborations: The Roles of Experience and Alignment.Joan Manuel Batista, Daniel Arenas & Matthew Murphy - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):145-162.
    This research uses a survey to analyze types of benefits sought by partners in cross-sector collaborations in Spain and to test and build upon theories that indicate prior collaboration experience and partner alignment will positively affect value creation through the collaboration. Using exploratory factor analysis to operationalize a broad range of potential benefits into more specific concepts, the results of this study identify distinct factors that characterize the types of benefits sought by non-profit organizations and businesses engaged in cross-sector collaborations. (...)
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    An Identity Perspective on Ethical Leadership to Explain Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Interplay of Follower Moral Identity and Leader Group Prototypicality.Fabiola H. Gerpott, Niels Van Quaquebeke, Sofia Schlamp & Sven C. Voelpel - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (4):1063-1078.
    Despite the proliferation of research on ethical leadership, there remains a limited understanding of how specifically the assumingly moral component of this leadership style affects employee behavior. Taking an identity perspective, we integrate the ethical leadership literature with research on the dynamics of the moral self-concept to posit that ethical leadership will foster a sense of moral identity among employees, which then inspires followers to adopt more ethical actions, such as increased organization citizenship behavior. We further argue that these identity (...)
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  8. On the Particularity of Experience.Anil Gomes & Craig French - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (2):451-460.
    Phenomenal particularism is the view that particular external objects are sometimes part of the phenomenal character of perceptual experience. It is a central part of naïve realist or relational views of perception. We consider a series of recent objections to phenomenal particularism and argue that naïve realism has the resources to block them. In particular, we show that these objections rest on assumptions about the nature of phenomenal character that the naïve realist will reject, and that they ignore the full (...)
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  9. Estudos literários e linguísticos/discursivos na Amazônia paraense: (livro de trabalhos do IV EVEL).Marcos dos Reis Batista & Suellen Cordovil da Silva (eds.) - 2017 - [Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]: Editora Fi.
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    Il cuore della ragione: dialettiche dell'amore e del perdono in Hegel.Fabiola Falappa - 2006 - Assisi: Cittadella.
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    L'umanità compromessa: disintegrazione e riscatto della persona nell'epoca del postliberismo.Fabiola Falappa - 2014 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    La verità dell'anima: interiorità e relazione in Martin Buber e María Zambrano.Fabiola Falappa - 2008 - Assisi: Cittadella.
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    Sul confine della verità: la metafisica di Karl Jaspers e il futuro della coscienza europea.Fabiola Falappa - 2016 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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  14. Cultura científico tecnológica y ciudadanía.Fabiola Ortega Garnelo - 2019 - In Bolaños Sánchez, Víctor Hugo, Adrián Espinosa Barrios, Fabiola Ortega Garnelo & Diego Reyes Baza, Temas de cultura científica y tecnológica: actitud crítica y ciudadanía responsable. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México.
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    Autonomous career change among professionals: An empirical phenomenological study.William Gomes & Marco Teixeira - 2000 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 31 (1):78-96.
    Seven informants , aged between 32 and 42, who had experienced at least one career change in their lives were interviewed about the history of their career trajectories. The interviews were analyzed according to the systematic and systemic reflexivity proposed by the phenomenological tradition: description, reduction and interpretation. The findings point to the need for professional guidance practice giving attention not only to professional information but also to a reflection of individual and work-related values. This would help both young people (...)
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  16. Objeciones de Sen frente al enfoque de los bienes primarios de Rawls.Fabiola Vethencourt - 2009 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 29 (2):63-88.
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  17. Tras la huella de Kant en la teoria de la justica de J. Rawls.Fabiola Vethencourt - 1993 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 28:163-172.
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  18. Naïve Realism in Kantian Phrase.Anil Gomes - 2017 - Mind 126 (502):529-578.
    Early twentieth-century philosophers of perception presented their naïve realist views of perceptual experience in anti-Kantian terms. For they took naïve realism about perceptual experience to be incompatible with Kant’s claims about the way the understanding is necessarily involved in perceptual consciousness. This essay seeks to situate a naïve realist account of visual experience within a recognisably Kantian framework by arguing that a naïve realist account of visual experience is compatible with the claim that the understanding is necessarily involved in the (...)
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  19. Whitehead on the Experience of Causality.Samuel Gomes - 2015 - Process Studies 44 (1):63-82.
    In this article I compare Hume and Whitehead on the experience of causality. I examine Whitehead's examples of such an experience and I offer a defense of Whitehead against Hume on this topic.
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  20. Is Kant’s transcendental deduction of the categories fit for purpose?Anil Gomes - 2010 - Kantian Review 15 (2):118-137.
    James Van Cleve has argued that Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the categories shows, at most, that we must apply the categories to experience. And this falls short of Kant’s aim, which is to show that they must so apply. In this discussion I argue that once we have noted the differences between the first and second editions of the Deduction, this objection is less telling. But Van Cleve’s objection can help illuminate the structure of the B Deduction, and it suggests (...)
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    Arendt: O Fortalecimento Do Espaço Público Político Para Evitar o Surgimento de Populismos.Fabíola Dornelles Molina & Sônia Maria Schio - forthcoming - Dissertatio:164-184.
    O presente trabalho aborda a concepção de espaço público, conforme apresenta Arendt em sua obra A Condição Humana (1958), discutindo a importância deste espaço para a manutenção da Democracia. Também será abordado como ocorre o surgimento de desenvolvimentos populistas quando não é conferida a devida importância a este espaço para a participação política dos cidadãos.
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    On freedom, being and transcendence: the quest for relevance in higher education.Catarina Antunes Gomes - 2017 - Kronos 43 (1):78-98.
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    Agressividade em Educação.Fabíola Menezes Araújo - 2016 - Revista Dialectus 2:138-152.
    O objetivo do presente artigo é expor a leitura que a psicanálise lacaniana levanta acerca das causas que levam à irrupção da agressividade, principalmente em razão do caráter frequente deste fenômeno em educação. Sendo o método utilizado basicamente o dissertativo, procurou-se ressaltar a dimensão filosófica do problema. O próprio Lacan se apropria do legado hegeliano e marxista para desdobrar a tese da agressividade enquanto realização de uma dinâmica instaurada a partir do olhar e que tem o seu modus operandi nos (...)
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    A carta a Mesland de 9 de fevereiro de 1645: tradução e comentários.Geisa Mara Batista & Daniel Carrara - 2008 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 49 (117):235-242.
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  25. Algumas reflexões tanatológicas de caráter educacional no pensamento de Platão.Gustavo Araújo Batista - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (3):582-603.
    Resumo : A versatilidade da sua filosofia faz de Platão um pensador que, perenemente, fornece matéria para reflexão sobre vários temas, inclusive o da morte. No Fédon, ao tratar dos últimos momentos de Sócrates, Platão elabora seu ideário acerca da morte de maneira que, educacionalmente, seja possível refletir sobre ela. O objetivo é extrair, de algumas de suas obras, excertos que permitam articular, no âmbito do pensamento platônico, a seguinte tétrade: educação, filosofia, morte e virtude. A exposição adotada tem seguinte (...)
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    O místico e o feiticeiro. Contrapontos entre imagem técnica e narrativa seqüencial em Alan Moore e Vilém Flusser.Marcelo Bolshaw Gomes - 2013 - Flusser Studies 15 (1).
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  27. O saber sem desejo (Durkheim e as ciências humanas).Roberto Gomes - forthcoming - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs.
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  28. Deberes, derechos y garantías del contribuyente en los procedimientos de repetición de pago y recuperación de tributos.Fabiola Guerrero, Mana Govea & Maigualida Jiménez - 2004 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 6 (3):443-459.
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  29. No diga por supuesto, señor presidente. Haga algo por Juárez".Fabiola de Lachica Huerta - 2021 - In Fabiola de Lachica Huerta, Alicia Márquez Murrieta & Graciela de Garay Arellano, El acontecimiento al centro: cuatro estudios desde la sociología y la historia. Ciudad de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora.
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    Transhumanismo: imortalidade e a questão da longevidade.Leonardo Moreira Gomes - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 23 (1).
    Resumo: O artigo enfoca duas questões abordadas pelo transhumanismo: imortalidade e longevidade. A primeira parte apresenta alguns contornos do programa transhumanista e a sua motivação. A segunda discute até que ponto a promessa de imortalidade não pode ser cumprida pela ideia de fazer o upload do cérebro na internet. A terceira parte se concentra na longevidade e mostra por que o programa transhumanista para idosos falha. Palavras-chave: Transhumanismo. Imortalidade. Longevidade. Upload de cérebro na internet.
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    Modernidad, historia y lenguaje. Actualidad del pensamiento ilustrado.Miguel ÁPerdomo-Batista - 2018 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 12:35-50.
    En este trabajo indago sobre la actualidad de la Ilustración en relación con la modernidad, la idea de historia y el lenguaje. Examino la construcción historiográfica de la Ilustración para distinguir los tópicos que caracterizan las rupturas y las continuidades en las sucesivas interpretaciones. Posteriormente, analizo la cuestión en el contexto del debate entre modernidad y posmodernidad. Finalmente, formulo la pregunta sobre la Ilustración en relación con las posibilidades de la filosofía de la historia y con el lenguaje. Se concluye (...)
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  32. The (Un)bearable Educational Lightness of Common Practices: On the Use of Urban Spaces by Schoolchildren.Elisabete Xavier Gomes - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (3):289-302.
    The present paper is about the author’s current research on children’s education in urban contexts. It departs from the rising offer of programmes for school children in out-of-school contexts (e.g. museums, libraries, science centres). It asks what makes these practices educational (and not just interesting, entertaining and/or audience building). Based on Biesta ( 2006a , 2010 ) theory of education, the author frames and analyses the educational characteristics of, and possibilities of articulating, in and out-of-school educational practices. This paper aims (...)
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  33. XII—Is There a Problem of Other Minds?Anil Gomes - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (3pt3):353-373.
    Scepticism is sometimes expressed about whether there is any interesting problem of other minds. In this paper I set out a version of the conceptual problem of other minds which turns on the way in which mental occurrences are presented to the subject and situate it in relation to debates about our knowledge of other people's mental lives. The result is a distinctive problem in the philosophy of mind concerning our relation to other people.
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    Sob o sol de satã no interior mineiro: Fé e Liberdade em Bernanos.Káthia Silva Gomes - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36):1412-1414.
    Dissertação: GOMES, Káthia Silva. Sob o sol de satã no interior mineiro: Fé e Liberdade em Bernanos. 2014. Dissertação – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.
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  35. Unity, Objectivity, and the Passivity of Experience.Anil Gomes - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):946-969.
    In the section ‘Unity and Objectivity’ of The Bounds of Sense, P. F. Strawson argues for the thesis that unity of consciousness requires experience of an objective world. My aim in this essay is to evaluate this claim. In the first and second parts of the essay, I explicate Strawson's thesis, reconstruct his argument, and identify the point at which the argument fails. Strawson's discussion nevertheless raises an important question: are there ways in which we must think of our experiences (...)
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  36. Are necessary and sufficient conditions converse relations?Gilberto Gomes - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (3):375 – 387.
    Claims that necessary and sufficient conditions are not converse relations are discussed, as well as the related claim that If A, then B is not equivalent to A only if B . The analysis of alleged counterexamples has shown, among other things, how necessary and sufficient conditions should be understood, especially in the case of causal conditions, and the importance of distinguishing sufficient-cause conditionals from necessary-cause conditionals. It is concluded that necessary and sufficient conditions, adequately interpreted, are converse relations in (...)
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    Semi-classical Locality for the Non-relativistic Path Integral in Configuration Space.Henrique Gomes - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (9):1155-1184.
    In an accompanying paper Gomes, we have put forward an interpretation of quantum mechanics based on a non-relativistic, Lagrangian 3+1 formalism of a closed Universe M, existing on timeless configuration space \ of some field over M. However, not much was said there about the role of locality, which was not assumed. This paper is an attempt to fill that gap. Locality in full can only emerge dynamically, and is not postulated. This new understanding of locality is based solely (...)
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    Employment and Work Ability of Persons With Brain Tumors: A Systematic Review.Fabiola Silvaggi, Matilde Leonardi, Alberto Raggi, Michela Eigenmann, Arianna Mariniello, Antonio Silvani, Elena Lamperti & Silvia Schiavolin - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Children’s mental representations with respect to caregivers and post-traumatic symptomatology in Somatic Symptom Disorders and Disruptive Behavior Disorders.Fabiola Bizzi, Donatella Cavanna, Rosetta Castellano & Cecilia S. Pace - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  40. Nonconceptualism, Hume’s Problem, and the Deduction.Anil Gomes - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (7):1687-1698.
    Lucy Allais seeks to provide a reading of the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories which is compatible with a nonconceptualist account of Kant’s theory of intuition. According to her interpretation, the aim of the Deduction is to show that a priori concept application is required for empirical concept application. I argue that once we distinguish the application of the categories from the instantiation of the categories, we see that Allais’s reconstruction of the Deduction cannot provide an answer to Hume’s problem (...)
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  41. (1 other version)El proyecto musical de Leda Valladares: del sustrato romántico a una concepción ancestral-vanguardista de la argentinidadLeda Valladares’ musical project: from a romantic substratum to an ancestral, avant-garde conception of Argentine identity.Fabiola Orquera - 2015 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 5 (2).
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    Foucault e as heterotopias: espaço, poder-saber.Fabio Batista - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):1-16.
    Este artigo trata do tema e problema da heterotopiaa partir do pensamento de Michel Foucault, noção essa pouco explorada por ele, no entanto, potencialmente profícua para o pensamento filosófico contemporâneo. Nele mostramos o que o filósofo francês chama de heterotopia e o modo como ela implica as noções de espaço, poder e saber. Para tanto abordamos textos foucaultianos especialmente da década de 1960 e 70. Interpretamos e nos reportamos assim às heterotopias que fazem parte dos estudos e trajetória de Foucault: (...)
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    La matrice familiale dans l'immigration : trauma et résilience.Elizabeth Batista Wiese, Marina Van Dijk & Hacène Seddik - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 185 (3):67.
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    Multisource Assessment for Development Purposes: Revisiting the Methodology of Data Analysis.Joan Manuel Batista-Foguet, Willem Saris, Richard E. Boyatzis, Ricard Serlavós & Ferran Velasco Moreno - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  45. Globalización y respeto a las culturas.Fabiola Luna Pineda - 2008 - Critica 58 (952):55-60.
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  46. El Bienestar como Concepto Normativo.Fabiola Vethencourt - 1993 - Apuntes Filosóficos 2 (3).
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    El rescate de los pilares humanistas desde la enseñanza de la ética en la formación universitaria.Fabiola Vethencourt & Luciana Samané - 2018 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 45:213-228.
    Durante los últimos decenios, viene ganando terreno un modelo de uni-versidad basado en el management, en detrimento de la universidad humboldtiana, erigida sobre pilares humanísticos. Esta situación nos interpela con vehemencia: ¿qué lugar deberían ocupar las humanidades en las universidades actuales? El presente trabajo intentará contri-buir a este interrogante desde una perspectiva en particular, a saber: ¿qué puede aportar la enseñanza de la ética filosófica a estudiantes de carreras científicas y tecnológicas?
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  48. Kant on Perception: Naive Realism, Non-Conceptualism, and the B-Deduction.Anil Gomes - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (254):1-19.
    According to non-conceptualist interpretations, Kant held that the application of concepts is not necessary for perceptual experience. Some have motivated non-conceptualism by noting the affinities between Kant's account of perception and contemporary relational theories of perception. In this paper I argue (i) that non-conceptualism cannot provide an account of the Transcendental Deduction and thus ought to be rejected; and (ii) that this has no bearing on the issue of whether Kant endorsed a relational account of perceptual experience.
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  49. Other minds and perceived identity.Anil Gomes - 2009 - Dialectica 63 (2):219-230.
    Quassim Cassam has recently defended a perceptual model of knowledge of other minds: one on which we can see and thereby know that another thinks and feels. In the course of defending this model, he addresses issues about our ability to think about other minds. I argue that his solution to this 'conceptual problem' does not work. A solution to the conceptual problem is necessary if we wish to explain knowledge of other minds.
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  50. The timing of conscious experience: A critical review and reinterpretation of Libet's research.Gilberto Gomes - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (4):559-595.
    An extended examination of Libet's works led to a comprehensive reinterpretation of his results. According to this reinterpretation, the Minimum Train Duration of electrical brain stimulation should be considered as the time needed to create a brain stimulus efficient for producing conscious sensation and not as a basis for inferring the latency for conscious sensation of peripheral origin. Latency for conscious sensation with brain stimulation may occurafterthe Minimum Train Duration. Backward masking with cortical stimuli suggests a 125-300 ms minimum value (...)
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